PC25-08 - Major Adjustment - 408 18th St.
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Application Type: Major AdjustmentApproval Process: The city received an application on January 22, 2025. The Planning Commission has authority to approve the application.
The Code requires that the written decision posted on the city’s website include a written analysis of the approval criteria. This staff report constitutes the written decision required by the Code.
Staff Report (will be linked seven days prior to the Planning Commission Hearing date)
Application Materials:
Notable application details:
The application is a request an adjustment to the following design standard:
Garage door shall be recessed at least 6 feet from the principal building wall.
Next Steps: Public Hearing for Final Decision
Final Outcome: Approved by Planning Commission hearing scheduled for 03/19/2025 at 5:30pm in City Council Chambers: 911 10th St.
PC25-02- Major Adjustment - 214 Cheyenne St.
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Application Type: Major AdjustmentApproval Process: The city received an application on January 17, 2025. The Planning Commission has authority to approve the application.
The Code requires that the written decision posted on the city’s website include a written analysis of the approval criteria. This staff report constitutes the written decision required by the Code.
Staff Report (will be linked seven days prior to the Planning Commission Hearing date)
Application documents:
Notable application details:
The application is a request the adjustments to the following design standards:
Rear lot line setback of 10 feet.
Garage door shall be recessed at least 6 feet from the principal building wall.
- Garage doors facing a primary street shall be set back at least 20 feet from the lot line coterminous with that street.
Next Steps: Public Hearing for Final Decision
Final Outcome: Approved by Planning Commission hearing scheduled for 03/19/2025 at 5:30pm in City Council Chambers: 911 10th St.
CONCLUDED - PC24-36 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1020 24th Street
Share CONCLUDED - PC24-36 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1020 24th Street on Facebook Share CONCLUDED - PC24-36 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1020 24th Street on Twitter Share CONCLUDED - PC24-36 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1020 24th Street on Linkedin Email CONCLUDED - PC24-36 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1020 24th Street linkThe Director has approved an application for a new home located at 1020 24th Street following the Suburban House Form Type Standards. One minor adjustment related to the sidewalk width was approved simultaneously with this request because the sidewalk is on a Local Street, pedestrian volume is not anticipated to increase, and the decrease better connects to the existing sidewalk network .
If the Director approves a form zone site development plan, the approval shall not be deemed final, and building permits shall not be issued unless and until the written decision and the complete application materials (including all exhibits and supplemental materials) have been posted for 21 days on the city’s website and the decision has not been called up for Planning Commission review by City Council.
Two members of City Council may initiate a Call-Up of the Director’s decision by filing a written request for a Call-Up with the City Clerk on or before 21 days after the written decision and complete application materials are published to the city’s website. If a Call-Up is initiated, Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing within 30 days after the written request was filed with the City Clerk to determine whether the subject site development plan complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.29.
The Code requires that the written decision posted on the city’s website include a written analysis of the approval criteria. This staff report constitutes the written decision required by the Code.
PC25-03 - 2200 Ford St. - Variance for Loading Area
Share PC25-03 - 2200 Ford St. - Variance for Loading Area on Facebook Share PC25-03 - 2200 Ford St. - Variance for Loading Area on Twitter Share PC25-03 - 2200 Ford St. - Variance for Loading Area on Linkedin Email PC25-03 - 2200 Ford St. - Variance for Loading Area linkApplication Type: Public Hearing Variance
Approval Process: The city received a request to reduce the loading area as part of a site development plan. The Planning Commission has authority to approve the variance request. The form zone site plan is under review pending a decision on the variance and may be decided by the Director administratively or referred to Planning Commission at a future date.
Variance Narrative_2200 Ford Street
Variance Site Plan_2200 Ford Street
Notable application details:
· There is a development application under review for a new office building at 2200 Ford St. over 11,000 sq. ft. in floor area.
· New commercial buildings over 10,000 sq. ft. are required to have 500 sq. ft. of loading area per Section 18.36.050
· The applicant is providing a dedicated loading space that is 9.5 feet by 30.5 feet with a walk-way for a total of 317 sq. ft.
Next Steps: Public Hearing for Final Decision
Final Outcome: To be decided Planning Commission hearing scheduled for 3/19/2025 at 5:30pm in City Council Chambers: 911 10th St., Golden
PC24-21: 405 18th Street-Form Zone
Share PC24-21: 405 18th Street-Form Zone on Facebook Share PC24-21: 405 18th Street-Form Zone on Twitter Share PC24-21: 405 18th Street-Form Zone on Linkedin Email PC24-21: 405 18th Street-Form Zone linkPosted January 31, 2025-February 20, 2025
The Director has approved an application for a detached accessory garage with a second story accessory dwelling unit located at 405 18th Street following the Village House Form Type Standards. The structure was granted a certificate of appropriateness by the Historic Preservation Board as the property is within the East Street Historic District. One minor adjustment related to the sidewalk width was approved simultaneously to allow for a 5' attached sidewalk.
If the Director approves a form zone site development plan, the approval shall not be deemed final, and building permits shall not be issued unless and until the written decision and the complete application materials (including all exhibits and supplemental materials) have been posted for 21 days on the city’s website and the decision has not been called up for Planning Commission review by City Council.
Two members of City Council may initiate a Call-Up of the Director’s decision by filing a written request for a Call-Up with the City Clerk on or before 21 days after the written decision and complete application materials are published to the city’s website. If a Call-Up is initiated, Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing within 30 days after the written request was filed with the City Clerk to determine whether the subject site development plan complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.29.
The Code requires that the written decision posted on the city’s website include a written analysis of the approval criteria. This staff report constitutes the written decision required by the Code.
CONCLUDED - PC24-25 - Form Zone Site Plan - 2223 Table Drive
Share CONCLUDED - PC24-25 - Form Zone Site Plan - 2223 Table Drive on Facebook Share CONCLUDED - PC24-25 - Form Zone Site Plan - 2223 Table Drive on Twitter Share CONCLUDED - PC24-25 - Form Zone Site Plan - 2223 Table Drive on Linkedin Email CONCLUDED - PC24-25 - Form Zone Site Plan - 2223 Table Drive linkThe Director has approved an application for an addition located at 2223 Table Drive following the Uphill House Form Type Standards. Three minor adjustments related to the sidewalk width, landscape strip, and garage door setback was approved simultaneously with this request.
If the Director approves a form zone site development plan, the approval shall not be deemed final, and building permits shall not be issued unless and until the written decision and the complete application materials (including all exhibits and supplemental materials) have been posted for 21 days on the city’s website and the decision has not been called up for Planning Commission review by City Council.
Two members of City Council may initiate a Call-Up of the Director’s decision by filing a written request for a Call-Up with the City Clerk on or before 21 days after the written decision and complete application materials are published to the city’s website. If a Call-Up is initiated, Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing within 30 days after the written request was filed with the City Clerk to determine whether the subject site development plan complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.29.
The Code requires that the written decision posted on the city’s website include a written analysis of the approval criteria. This staff report constitutes the written decision required by the Code.
CONCLUDED - PC24-35 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1016 24th Street
Share CONCLUDED - PC24-35 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1016 24th Street on Facebook Share CONCLUDED - PC24-35 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1016 24th Street on Twitter Share CONCLUDED - PC24-35 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1016 24th Street on Linkedin Email CONCLUDED - PC24-35 - Form Zone Site Plan - 1016 24th Street linkThe Director has approved an application for a new home located at 1016 24th Street following the Village House Form Type Standards. One minor adjustment related to the sidewalk width was approved simultaneously with this request because the sidewalk is on a Local Street and pedestrian volume is not anticipated to increase.
If the Director approves a form zone site development plan, the approval shall not be deemed final, and building permits shall not be issued unless and until the written decision and the complete application materials (including all exhibits and supplemental materials) have been posted for 21 days on the city’s website and the decision has not been called up for Planning Commission review by City Council.
Two members of City Council may initiate a Call-Up of the Director’s decision by filing a written request for a Call-Up with the City Clerk on or before 21 days after the written decision and complete application materials are published to the city’s website. If a Call-Up is initiated, Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing within 30 days after the written request was filed with the City Clerk to determine whether the subject site development plan complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 18.29.
The Code requires that the written decision posted on the city’s website include a written analysis of the approval criteria. This staff report constitutes the written decision required by the Code.
PC24-34: 1615 Ford Street-Major Adjustment
Share PC24-34: 1615 Ford Street-Major Adjustment on Facebook Share PC24-34: 1615 Ford Street-Major Adjustment on Twitter Share PC24-34: 1615 Ford Street-Major Adjustment on Linkedin Email PC24-34: 1615 Ford Street-Major Adjustment linkPlanning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 6:30pm at 911 10th Street, City Council Chambers, to review an application for a Major Adjustment related to a combination of Form Zone Types for 1615 Ford Street. The Planning Commission shall, as provided in the public notice, conduct a public hearing, review the proposed major adjustment against the applicable major adjustment criteria contained in section, and at the close of the public hearing, render its decision. See Code §
The property, 1615 Ford Street, is a 7,000 square-foot lot located in the Transition Form Zone District and R3 Use Zone at 1615 Ford Street. The site consists of lot 4 of Block G of the Kinneys Addition subdivision. There is an existing single-household dwelling (a contributing structure in the East Street Historic District) that is proposed to remain and an existing garage that would be removed. The existing home was constructed in 1878 according to the Jefferson County Assessors records. The lot front on to Ford Street, which is a local street, with alley access to the rear. The applicant is requesting approval of a major adjustment to build a compound of attached and detached cottage units, a major adjustment related to a combination of forms. The existing single-household cottage will remain with a new duplex cottage structure for a total of three units. A new attached garage is proposed to provide parking for the existing cottage and new proposed duplex cottage units. This proposed Form Zone Type is primarily based off of the Compound Form Type- Two or Three Cottage Compound. The Proposed Lot Standards and Building Size & Dwelling Unit Limitations for 2 or 3 cottages, Setbacks, Porch Standards and Additional Standards are drawn directly from the existing Compound Form Type – Two or Three Cottage Compound. The proposed form type draws language from Adjustments for Mostly Preserved Buildings and from multiple allowable form types on this parcel. These include House Side Drive and Village, and Cottage Side Drive Form Types.
PC24-17:1211 Avery Street-Site Development Plan-Public Hearing
Share PC24-17:1211 Avery Street-Site Development Plan-Public Hearing on Facebook Share PC24-17:1211 Avery Street-Site Development Plan-Public Hearing on Twitter Share PC24-17:1211 Avery Street-Site Development Plan-Public Hearing on Linkedin Email PC24-17:1211 Avery Street-Site Development Plan-Public Hearing linkThe Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and review a site development plan for 1211 Avery Street on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 6:30pm at 911 10th Street, City Council Chambers. The site development plan is for three building totaling 18,248 square foot of multi-household unit buildings on Lot 26 Canyon View Business Park is to ensure all the technical and zoning requirements are demonstrated and complied with. The plan calls for 43 multi-household units on the site with onsite parking. The property has an existing 5,000 square foot office building with a parking lot on it, but the majority of the site is an undeveloped, 109,659 square foot lot.
Concluded-PC 24-28 - Minor Subdivision - 300 N. Columbine Street - Notice of Application
Share Concluded-PC 24-28 - Minor Subdivision - 300 N. Columbine Street - Notice of Application on Facebook Share Concluded-PC 24-28 - Minor Subdivision - 300 N. Columbine Street - Notice of Application on Twitter Share Concluded-PC 24-28 - Minor Subdivision - 300 N. Columbine Street - Notice of Application on Linkedin Email Concluded-PC 24-28 - Minor Subdivision - 300 N. Columbine Street - Notice of Application linkApplication Type(s): Minor Subdivision Plat
Approval Process: The city received an application on October 17th, 2024 and is currently under review. The Director of Community Development has the authority to approve the application and has approved it.
The Code requires that the property be posted for at least 14 consecutive days, posting shall indicate that a minor subdivision plat application has been filed with the department, that the application and plat are available for public inspection during working hours, and that any comments must be filed in writing with the director.
Notable application details:
- Use Zone: R-2
- Form Zone Overlay: Edge
- The application is to subdivide an existing parcel into three (3) smaller lots for future single household development. No other changes are proposed.
- Each lot has been evaluated for minimum lot standards and access requirements to allow at least one form type per lot
A full analysis is detailed in the staff memo linked below.
Proposed Minor Subdivision Plat
Next Steps: Recording