Tobacco and Vaping Ordinance

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Consultation has concluded

Update 12/13/2019:

Beginning on March 1, the lawful age to purchase or consume any tobacco and vape products in the City of Golden will be 21 years old. At their meeting on Dec. 12, City Council voted to raise the age from 18 to 21 to make access to the products more difficult for youth. Ordinance 2118 also establishes a licensing program for all tobacco retailers. Golden currently licenses non-cigarette tobacco retailers so this new license will include all tobacco retailers.

Council listened to several hours of public testimony at their December meeting before making their final decision. They also hosted their first ever virtual town hall with a group of students from Golden High School earlier in the day, to get their feedback on the proposed ordinance.

Also under consideration was a ban on flavored nicotine and tobacco products. However, after much discussion, they decided not to ban flavors at this time. The ordinance goes into effect on March 1, 2020.

City Council is considering Ordinance 2118 regarding the regulation of nicotine and tobacco products. If you would like to share your thoughts on this issue, email City Council at, comment on this page, and/or attend the meeting on December 12th to speak at public comment.

Update 12/13/2019:

Beginning on March 1, the lawful age to purchase or consume any tobacco and vape products in the City of Golden will be 21 years old. At their meeting on Dec. 12, City Council voted to raise the age from 18 to 21 to make access to the products more difficult for youth. Ordinance 2118 also establishes a licensing program for all tobacco retailers. Golden currently licenses non-cigarette tobacco retailers so this new license will include all tobacco retailers.

Council listened to several hours of public testimony at their December meeting before making their final decision. They also hosted their first ever virtual town hall with a group of students from Golden High School earlier in the day, to get their feedback on the proposed ordinance.

Also under consideration was a ban on flavored nicotine and tobacco products. However, after much discussion, they decided not to ban flavors at this time. The ordinance goes into effect on March 1, 2020.

City Council is considering Ordinance 2118 regarding the regulation of nicotine and tobacco products. If you would like to share your thoughts on this issue, email City Council at, comment on this page, and/or attend the meeting on December 12th to speak at public comment.

Guest Book

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Consultation has concluded
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Totally support. This council rejected recreational marijuana based on its interest in public health. Tobacco KILLS. Not even a close call hear.

kjacobs over 5 years ago

I am so proud of Golden for taking the lead on this! I am also happy that it has consequences for those selling to youth and addresses that mint and Menthol are gateway products that enable youth to start earlier. Thanks Council!

Jennwoo52 over 5 years ago

I completely disagree with the third point of this ordinance which is "To prohibit the sale of all flavored nicotine, tobacco and vaping products". The crux of this issue definitely extends to the youth of all communities, but it is known fact that true cause of addiction is the level of nicotine that is in these products and the types of nicotine derived. The UK has implemented restrictions on the level and types of nicotine that are allowed to be sold in public stores and there is no "epidemic" of issues with vaping. As a matter of fact their government highly encourages the use of vaping. Ordinance 2118 also states that "Beyond the harmful effects of nicotine, vaping nicotine-free fluids or solutions can affect vascular function or result in exposure to cancer-causing, or carcinogenic, compounds, potentially leading to long-term harmful consequences". This is written with out any credible sources being cited. It is literally impossible for carcinogenic chemicals to be introduced when vaping because in order create a carcinogen, something must be burned and converted to carbon. So unless you are vaping at temperature hot enough to burn the wick or even your juice, this would be the fault of the user misusing their products. As far as flavors in vapor products go, there are thousands of alcoholic products that have thousands of other flavors that appeal to teens as well. An approximate 88,000 people die annually from alcohol related incidences just in the United States. An approximate 100 people have died from vaping black market products in the past few months and that number has dropped to 0 since the discovery by the CDC of Vitamin E acetate being added to THC and CBD cartridges. These Black Market products were created by a lack regulation within our society and now the effects are being resonated throughout the younger generations of the United States alone. I started smoking Cigarettes when I was 15 in high school and continued until I was 28. No it was not a good decision, but I feel if vaping would have been an option in a regulated environment I would have been a much happier and healthier person as I am now today. A lot of people voting on these issues of vaping have never touched a cigarette in their lives and never felt the crippling grip that cigarettes actually have on a humans neurotransmitter systems and respiratory systems. When you ban flavors you are ultimately banning an adults second chance at life. When you ban flavors you are essentially giving your youth the ultimatum of cigarettes. The 21 and up regulation is fantastic! Retailer licencing is fantastic! Fines for underage sale is also Fantastic! But pigeon holeing flavors as the direct cause of addiction is an outright dangerous thought. Also many people make their own vape juice on their own accord already. Vegetable Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Freebase Nicotine, Salt Nicotine, and Natural and Unnatural flavoring can be purchased over the counter and online very easily to create your own vaping products. Which ultimately perpetuates the unwanted cycle of black market products that will make it into the hands of your youth. This ordinance is not good enough for me, and shouldn't be for you either. It doesn't create a feasible solution to the problem. It is a band aid for a wound that needs stitches.

Jeff Franks over 5 years ago

As a parent, I completely agree with all of these changes- much needed! Thank you 🙏!!

sarahstrait over 5 years ago

I fully support Ordinance 2118. It would also be nice to ACTUALLY ENFORCE existing ordinances concerning smoking downtown and along the creek paths so I am not obliged to breathe the poisons and psychoactive drugs (in the case of vaping) as I walk or run along the creek.

maysi01 over 5 years ago

I strongly support making these changes. Let's protect Golden's youth.

pamela over 5 years ago