City of Golden Strategic Action Plan

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A rainbow in the sky over Golden.

2024 Strategic Action Plan

City of Golden Success Factors

  • Active, Connected and Sustainable
    • Golden thoughtfully plans to create comprehensive, connected infrastructure, services, amenities and preserve a beautiful community existing in harmony with the natural environment.
  • Affordable and Thriving
    • Golden strives to reduce barriers to affordable living and nurture local business.
  • Safe, Inclusive and Engaged
    • Golden is a safe and quiet community that works to engage and include all people and provide them with an equal opportunity to thrive.
  • Respected and Relational Governance
    • Golden builds trusted relationships through transparency, engagement, and collaboration locally and regionally
  • Quality Services
    • Golden balances fiscal responsibility with creativity and innovation to fund and deliver quality public services today and in the future.

These factors were identified as the qualities that embody City Council's vision for Golden. These factors guide the work and planning that staff does daily to realize that vision. The Success Factors, Council Initiatives, and Key Projects help the Community, City Council, and staff track, manage, and communicate about important city efforts and if needed, adjust priorities in a clear and open way. As this strategic plan evolves, we hope to improve its visibility and functionality for Council, staff, and the public.

The 2024 Strategic Action Plan was adopted by City Council on March 5, 2024.

2024 Council Initiatives

Strategic Priority AreaProject NameProject GoalTimelineOn Track
Active, Connected & SustainableNet-Zero Energy Codes

Adopt energy codes that further net-zero energy goals for current residential buildings.

Q4 2024Yes
Active, Connected & SustainableParks & Recreation PlansMaster and Open Space PlanQ4 2024Yes
Active, Connected & SustainableComprehensive Plan Update
Modernize the plan to reflect changes over the last six years
Q2 2025Yes
Affordable & ThrivingAdopt Zoning Code

Analyzing and restructuring allowed uses in all of Golden’s commercial and residential zone districts.

Q4 2024Yes
Affordable & ThrivingHousing for All
Implement recommendations from Affordable Housing CommitteeQ4 2024Yes
Affordable & ThrivingCreek StrategiesImplement new measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both visitors and residents.Q3 2024Yes
Affordable & ThrivingArt and Culture Plan Implementation
Decide on an overall timeline and process
Q3 2024Yes
Safe & InclusiveImplement REDI PlanFormalize committee and move forward goals
Q3 2024Yes
Respected & Relational GovernmentRegional Housing and Homelessness Projects and CollaborationCollaborate regionally and plan Jefferson County Navigation Center SitesQ3 2024Yes
Respected & Relational GovernmentEmergency Management Training and CoordinationEvacuation plan, EM documentation, and tabletop trainings to identify and fill gapsQ4 2024Yes
Quality ServiceRe-imagining Community Marketing program
Research and re-imagine the future
Q3 2024Yes
Quality ServiceMunicipal Civic Campus-Heart of Golden
Designing and evaluating Phase 1 of the Heart of Golden Plan
Q4 2025Yes

2024 Strategic Action Plan

City of Golden Success Factors

  • Active, Connected and Sustainable
    • Golden thoughtfully plans to create comprehensive, connected infrastructure, services, amenities and preserve a beautiful community existing in harmony with the natural environment.
  • Affordable and Thriving
    • Golden strives to reduce barriers to affordable living and nurture local business.
  • Safe, Inclusive and Engaged
    • Golden is a safe and quiet community that works to engage and include all people and provide them with an equal opportunity to thrive.
  • Respected and Relational Governance
    • Golden builds trusted relationships through transparency, engagement, and collaboration locally and regionally
  • Quality Services
    • Golden balances fiscal responsibility with creativity and innovation to fund and deliver quality public services today and in the future.

These factors were identified as the qualities that embody City Council's vision for Golden. These factors guide the work and planning that staff does daily to realize that vision. The Success Factors, Council Initiatives, and Key Projects help the Community, City Council, and staff track, manage, and communicate about important city efforts and if needed, adjust priorities in a clear and open way. As this strategic plan evolves, we hope to improve its visibility and functionality for Council, staff, and the public.

The 2024 Strategic Action Plan was adopted by City Council on March 5, 2024.

2024 Council Initiatives

Strategic Priority AreaProject NameProject GoalTimelineOn Track
Active, Connected & SustainableNet-Zero Energy Codes

Adopt energy codes that further net-zero energy goals for current residential buildings.

Q4 2024Yes
Active, Connected & SustainableParks & Recreation PlansMaster and Open Space PlanQ4 2024Yes
Active, Connected & SustainableComprehensive Plan Update
Modernize the plan to reflect changes over the last six years
Q2 2025Yes
Affordable & ThrivingAdopt Zoning Code

Analyzing and restructuring allowed uses in all of Golden’s commercial and residential zone districts.

Q4 2024Yes
Affordable & ThrivingHousing for All
Implement recommendations from Affordable Housing CommitteeQ4 2024Yes
Affordable & ThrivingCreek StrategiesImplement new measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both visitors and residents.Q3 2024Yes
Affordable & ThrivingArt and Culture Plan Implementation
Decide on an overall timeline and process
Q3 2024Yes
Safe & InclusiveImplement REDI PlanFormalize committee and move forward goals
Q3 2024Yes
Respected & Relational GovernmentRegional Housing and Homelessness Projects and CollaborationCollaborate regionally and plan Jefferson County Navigation Center SitesQ3 2024Yes
Respected & Relational GovernmentEmergency Management Training and CoordinationEvacuation plan, EM documentation, and tabletop trainings to identify and fill gapsQ4 2024Yes
Quality ServiceRe-imagining Community Marketing program
Research and re-imagine the future
Q3 2024Yes
Quality ServiceMunicipal Civic Campus-Heart of Golden
Designing and evaluating Phase 1 of the Heart of Golden Plan
Q4 2025Yes

Ask A Question

If you have a question about the Strategic Action Plan or one of the projects included within the plan, please ask here. 

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  • Share Hi - When do you anticipate having the first draft of the Comp Plan available for review? on Facebook Share Hi - When do you anticipate having the first draft of the Comp Plan available for review? on Twitter Share Hi - When do you anticipate having the first draft of the Comp Plan available for review? on Linkedin Email Hi - When do you anticipate having the first draft of the Comp Plan available for review? link

    Hi - When do you anticipate having the first draft of the Comp Plan available for review?

    Feedback asked about 2 months ago

    Hi there. The Comp Plan is different than the Strategic Action Plan. You can find information about the Comprehensive Plan on that project's page of this site. The current timeline for the Comp Plan is:

    Project Timeline:

    • Community Outreach: October 2024 - February 2025
    • Draft Comprehensive Plan Released: May 2025
    • Public Feedback on Draft Plan: May-July 2025
    • Public Hearing Process
      1. Planning Commission: February 2025
      2. Planning Commission: May 2025
      3. Planning Commission: June 2025
      4. City Council Adoption: July 2025
Page last updated: 13 May 2024, 10:16 AM