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Results with street closures
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2nd street. Has that changed? When? Are the plans the same as before or were things scaled back to provide more money for what's now being labeled "Phase 1"?City council was presented two options at their August 9th meeting. One would limit the
Heart of Golden Design Option 3
In this artist's rendering of the third design option for the Heart of Golden project, "Civic Anchors + Distinct Destinations", you notice these key features:Cultural facilities at corners of Washington Avenue and 10th Street create a gateway and
Curious about something? Just ask!
staff are aware of the trees. Planned work for trimming has been delayed in order to coordinate with the site work and road closures in the area due to the Coors Clayworks project across the street. Staff will begin the tree work once they are able to
Jefferson County Public Health COVID-19 Update
closures).o Info for Public Health Partners & Businesses (Technical guidance and support for restaurants, childcares and more).o Jeffco Community Resources
Central Golden Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Projects
The Planning Department, in collaboration with Public Works, is proposing several bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements along the Ford Street and Jackson Street corridors between 14th Street and 24th Street. In accordance with the adopted 2023
Lodging Tax and Retail Marijuana Open House
03 August 2021 City Council Chambers, 911 10th Street 5 - 7:30 p.m.The open house is for learning more information about the lodging tax and retail marijuana and provide input on what you support including parameters or funding scenarios.
Clear Creek Public Meeting
30 March 2023 Join us at 6:00 p.m. on March 30th at Golden City Hall, 911 10th Street, for a discussion about Clear Creek and the upcoming summer season.
Lodging Tax and Retail Marijuana Open House
03 August 2021 City Council Chambers, 911 10th Street 5 - 7:30 p.m.The open house is for learning more information about the lodging tax and retail marijuana and provide input on what you support including parameters or funding scenarios.
In-person Office Hours with City Staff - 3 to 5 p.m.
17 March 2022 Ask questions and have an in-depth conversation with staff and the applicant during in-person “office hours” held on March 15, 17 and 21 at 1445 10th Street in the conference room. No appointment necessary!
State health department seeks public input on draft guidelines and framework
, isolation, quarantine, site-specific closures, and the enforcement of public health orders. With more activities open and available to the public, it is everyone's responsibility to do whatever they can to reduce the spread of the disease. Always stay