Central Golden Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Projects
The Planning Department, in collaboration with Public Works, is proposing several bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements along the Ford Street and Jackson Street corridors between 14th Street and 24th Street. In accordance with the adopted 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, the City is proposing the following projects:
- A protected bike lane on Ford Street between 14th & 24th
- A protected bike lane on Jackson Street between 14th & 24th
- Adding a raised four-way intersection at Jackson Street & 24th
- Intersection improvements at Ford Street & 14th
Ford Street Proposed Design Elements:
This project proposes eliminating parking on Ford Street from 24th Street to 14th Street to provide a protected bike lane and buffer between the bike lane and the travel lane. Providing the buffer will formalize a place for people to place their trash cans on trash day without blocking the bike facility and causing people to swerve into the travel lane. The project includes modifying the existing curb ramps to meet ADA accessibility requirements as well as adding new curb ramps where they do not exist today. The project also includes reconfiguring the intersection at Ford and 14th Street to make it safer for pedestrians and bicyclists to cross. There have been two crashes (one involving a pedestrian and one involving a bicyclist) at this intersection since 2018. The proposed intersection design eliminates the southbound left turn lane and prohibits the movement straight through the intersection from 14th Street. Prohibiting these movements allows the addition of a pedestrian refuge island, shortening the crossing distance. Although the bike lane varies in width between 23rd and 24th street, generally the proposed roadway will have two 11-foot travel lanes, a 5-foot buffer, and a 7-foot bike lane. The buffer will be a physical barrier of alternating flex posts and concrete dividers.
Jackson Street Proposed Design Elements:
The project proposes eliminating one travel lane on Jackson Street between 15th Street and 19th Street (Jackson Street is currently one travel lane between 14th and 15th Street). Dropping a travel lane will provide the space needed for a protective barrier between the bike lane and the travel lane. The buffer between 15th Street and 18th Street will include some green infrastructure elements because this area is in the floodplain. The existing bulb outs from 20th Street to 23rd Street will be removed and the parking along these blocks will also be removed. Two lanes of travel will remain (between 19th and 24th) along with a protected bike lane. The 24th and Jackson Street intersection will be converted to a raised intersection. Bulb outs will remain at the intersection but will be modified to have mountable curbs to accommodate larger vehicles, like school buses. Although the roadway width varies along Jackson, generally, from 14th to 19th, the proposed roadway design will have one 12-foot travel lane, a 9-foot buffer, and a 7-foot bike lane. From 19th to 24th, the proposed roadway design will have two 11-foot travel lanes, a 5-foot buffer, and a 7-foot bike lane. The buffer from 18th to 24th will be a physical barrier of alternating flex posts and concrete dividers.
The detailed design plans are included under the "Documents" section of this website.
Community Engagement Opportunities
Open House # 1:
- Tuesday, June 18, 2024 (5:30 - 7:00 p.m.)
- Ride Wrap: 1950 Ford St, Golden, CO 80401
The main purpose of this open house was for city staff to hear public feedback on the proposed design. Public feedback will be incorporated as the project moves through the design process. The City is currently working on developing the design plans for this project and is in the process of pursuing construction funding.
Open House # 2:
- Monday, December 9, 2024 (5:30-7:00p.m.)
- Natural Grocers Test Kitchen: 2401 Ford Street, Golden CO
We will discuss how feedback was incorporated from the first open house in the revised design.
Open House # 3:
- A final Open House will be held in May 2025
Accessibility Support
Please contact Matt Wempe (mwempe@cityofgolden.net) or 303-215-8884 if you, a person you are assisting, or an organization needs additional help to engage with our planning process due to limited access to technology, a disability or a language access need.
Póngase en contacto con (mwempe@cityofgolden.net) o 303-215-8884 si usted, una persona a la que asiste o una organización necesita ayuda adicional para participar en nuestro proceso de planificación debido a un acceso limitado a la tecnología, una discapacidad o una necesidad de acceso lingüístico.
Public engagement will begin on June 18 with our first open house, but please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime!