PC 23-15 - Initial Zoning - 5079 Highway 93 - Under Construction

After several continuances, City Council held public hearing for the Annexation and Initial Zoning to November 28, 2023 at 6:30pm and approved the request. The next step will be the preliminary platting of the property to prepare the property for subdivision and development.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 21, 2023 and recommended approval of the initial zoning of the property to City Council.
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on June 21, 2023 at 6:30pm at 911 10th Street for the initial zoning of a 52.42 acre parcel, generally located north of the Canyon View Business Park, is addressed as 5079 Highway 93. The property is on the west side of the highway, across from North Table Mountain Park. The annexation petition is currently going through the hearing process at City Council per the processes and procedures required by Colorado Revised Statutes. The property is being sold by Jefferson County to BBGR, LLC. The requested zoning to be established on the property as M1 (Limited Industrial) and C1 (Limited Commercial) with a Strip Form Zone Overlay, as specifically set forth and referenced in the Initial Zoning Ordinance. Specifically, the Applicant seeks to rezone approximately 43.6 acres of the Property from Jefferson County Agricultural District (Agricultural-Two or A-2) to M1 and approximately 8.82 acres of the Property from Jefferson County Agricultural District (Agricultural-Two or A-2) to C1 with an overlay of Strip form zone (FS).