APPROVED PC 22-14 - Major Amendment- Kilgroe Property Annexation No. 2 PUD/ODP

5/28/2024 - 2nd Reading / Public Hearing at City Council (Memo)
3/26/2024 - 1st Reading at City Council. The applicant requested 2nd reading be continued to May 28th
2/7/2024 - Planning Commission Hearing - moving forward to City Council on March 26th with a recommendation of denial from Planning Commission.
1211 Avery Street, lot 26 of the Canyon View Business Park Filing No. 1 Final Plat, is the site subject of the PUD/ODP amendment application. The property has an existing office building situated on the southern portion of the property, built in 2007. The northern portion of this property is vacant, and where the applicant proposes changing the zoning to allow multifamily workforce housing units. The current zoning of the Site is Planned Unit Development (PUD) in the Multi-Use Business Park of the Kilgroe Property Annexation No. 2 ODP, approved by the City Council in 2000, known as the (“PUD/ODP”).