Kinney Run Improvements (G150 Project)

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Consultation has concluded

The Kinney Run Improvement Project is a Public/Private Partnership between the City and Molson Coors for improvements to the Kinney Run Flood Plain Area on the east side Ford Street in downtown Golden, between 14th Street and Clear Creek. This project is related to the G150 project that is within the Kinney Run flood plain. Coors was looking at options to remove their property from the flood plain, and determined that creating an open channel along Ford Street from 14th Street to Clear Creek would be the best way to accomplish this goal.

Under the project, much of the Molson Coors property will be removed from the Kinney Run 100 year flood plain, and would also positively impact this flood plain along Ford Street within the City as well. By helping to fund an increase in the capacity of this planned open channel, the City is enabling a future upstream project to remove even more of East Downtown from the flood plain on the west side of Ford Street. The Kinney Run Improvement Project will also create a wider sidewalk on the east side of Ford Street between 14th Street and Clear Creek, and the channel bottom will feature naturalistic landscaping, as it will be visible during dry periods. A new bridge across the open channel at 13th Street will be constructed as part of the project, necessitating a detour from 13th to 12th Street while the 13th and Ford Street intersection is closed. In addition, the Clear Creek Trail will be closed east of the Ford Street bridge on the south side of the creek, where it crosses into Vanover Park, for an extended period; however, a detour crossing at Water Street will allow a safe Ford Street crossing into Vanover Park and access to the Tucker Gulch Trail to the north.

There will be trail and street closures in the area from Spring 2021-Fall 2021. Please follow this page and sign up for updates for information on closures and the work being done.

Update December 1:

Miller Coors is working to reopen the 13th Street connection from Golden to 32nd Ave., which has faced some delays since the November 17 target date was set. The new timeframe they have provided would reopen 13th Street the week of December 6, weather permitting.

Update May 24:

Molson Coors will be re-opening 12th at Ford soon, but on June 1, will be closing 13th at Ford for channel work. Please refer to this map for suggested detours on either Hwy 58 or 44th Ave. to avoid the construction. This work and the detours will likely be in place until early fall.

Update April 19:

Coors working on Tree Removal with Replanting to Come – Coors has removed some trees along the east side of Ford between the creek and 12th Street, starting next week there will be trees removed south of 12th Street. Replacement trees will be planted along a new and wider sidewalk once the channel construction is complete, see plan drawing for the future view.

Clear Creek Trail Detour – Starting next week, Public Works will be putting up signs of the trail detour on May 5th. During this one week period, the trail over Vanover bridge will continue to be open but the signs will help trail users prepare for the detour. Starting May 5th, bike and pedestrian traffic will be officially detoured along the west side of Ford Street via a new Water Street crossing that takes trail users through Vanover Park to connect the Clear Creek Trail to the Tucker Gulch Trail.

Update April 13:

This month work will begin on the Kinney Run that will run along Ford St. Construction will begin on both the 14th St. and the Clear Creek end of the greenway and the contractors will work towards the section between 12th and 13th St. The culvert for the bridge at 12th has been poured and that bridge will be opening sometime in May.

Update: April 1:

City Council will be looking at a potential agreement between the City and Coors on channel upgrades on Tuesday, April 20. The cost for these upgrades will between $600,000 and $700,000. This is a $10 million project for Molson Coors and Golden will get significant benefit from their project. This improvement will be occurring on Molson Coors property and will be covered by a permanent drainage easement to the city which will allow for Mile High drainage to have the section on their drainage maintenance list. The City's ability to partner with Molson Coors on this project allows us to complete future projects that removes Ford Street and areas to the west from the flood plain for substantially less cost than it would otherwise would.


Molson Coors G150 Project

The flood channel improvement opportunity exists because of the Molson Coors G150 Project which will modernize the Brewery's 1960s/1970s-era brewing technologies and will enable Coors to brew their products using 15% less energy and will save over 100 million gallons of water a year. These improvements will enable the brewery to have a smaller impact on the environment in Colorado.

April Update: The excavation in front of the Brewery is close to completion and working to backfill the area where the new cellar will sit is well underway. As a result of knocking down buildings and excavating the G150 Project has recycled 6.7 million lbs. of metal and crushed 95 million pounds of concrete. Overall, over 98% of the material from the buildings has either been recycled or reused.

March Update: The lakes in front of the brewery have been drained and they are now in the process of excavating the remainder of the area that will house the new beer production building. This excavation will continue for the next couple of months, and once that is complete, they will start the process of filling in the area and make final preparations for laying the foundations of the new beer production building.

Why is the sidewalk closed on Ford street?

Sidewalk traffic will be rerouted along the east side of Ford Street through the continuation of the project to keep our community safe and out of the construction zone of the flood control channel.

What is being done with the material that is being removed from the site?

The project will reuse and recycle as much of the material as possible. The concrete will be ground down and be used as fill material under the G150 cellar. Molson Coors has also recycled over 5,000,000 lbs. of metal thus far on the project.

The Kinney Run Improvement Project is a Public/Private Partnership between the City and Molson Coors for improvements to the Kinney Run Flood Plain Area on the east side Ford Street in downtown Golden, between 14th Street and Clear Creek. This project is related to the G150 project that is within the Kinney Run flood plain. Coors was looking at options to remove their property from the flood plain, and determined that creating an open channel along Ford Street from 14th Street to Clear Creek would be the best way to accomplish this goal.

Under the project, much of the Molson Coors property will be removed from the Kinney Run 100 year flood plain, and would also positively impact this flood plain along Ford Street within the City as well. By helping to fund an increase in the capacity of this planned open channel, the City is enabling a future upstream project to remove even more of East Downtown from the flood plain on the west side of Ford Street. The Kinney Run Improvement Project will also create a wider sidewalk on the east side of Ford Street between 14th Street and Clear Creek, and the channel bottom will feature naturalistic landscaping, as it will be visible during dry periods. A new bridge across the open channel at 13th Street will be constructed as part of the project, necessitating a detour from 13th to 12th Street while the 13th and Ford Street intersection is closed. In addition, the Clear Creek Trail will be closed east of the Ford Street bridge on the south side of the creek, where it crosses into Vanover Park, for an extended period; however, a detour crossing at Water Street will allow a safe Ford Street crossing into Vanover Park and access to the Tucker Gulch Trail to the north.

There will be trail and street closures in the area from Spring 2021-Fall 2021. Please follow this page and sign up for updates for information on closures and the work being done.

Update December 1:

Miller Coors is working to reopen the 13th Street connection from Golden to 32nd Ave., which has faced some delays since the November 17 target date was set. The new timeframe they have provided would reopen 13th Street the week of December 6, weather permitting.

Update May 24:

Molson Coors will be re-opening 12th at Ford soon, but on June 1, will be closing 13th at Ford for channel work. Please refer to this map for suggested detours on either Hwy 58 or 44th Ave. to avoid the construction. This work and the detours will likely be in place until early fall.

Update April 19:

Coors working on Tree Removal with Replanting to Come – Coors has removed some trees along the east side of Ford between the creek and 12th Street, starting next week there will be trees removed south of 12th Street. Replacement trees will be planted along a new and wider sidewalk once the channel construction is complete, see plan drawing for the future view.

Clear Creek Trail Detour – Starting next week, Public Works will be putting up signs of the trail detour on May 5th. During this one week period, the trail over Vanover bridge will continue to be open but the signs will help trail users prepare for the detour. Starting May 5th, bike and pedestrian traffic will be officially detoured along the west side of Ford Street via a new Water Street crossing that takes trail users through Vanover Park to connect the Clear Creek Trail to the Tucker Gulch Trail.

Update April 13:

This month work will begin on the Kinney Run that will run along Ford St. Construction will begin on both the 14th St. and the Clear Creek end of the greenway and the contractors will work towards the section between 12th and 13th St. The culvert for the bridge at 12th has been poured and that bridge will be opening sometime in May.

Update: April 1:

City Council will be looking at a potential agreement between the City and Coors on channel upgrades on Tuesday, April 20. The cost for these upgrades will between $600,000 and $700,000. This is a $10 million project for Molson Coors and Golden will get significant benefit from their project. This improvement will be occurring on Molson Coors property and will be covered by a permanent drainage easement to the city which will allow for Mile High drainage to have the section on their drainage maintenance list. The City's ability to partner with Molson Coors on this project allows us to complete future projects that removes Ford Street and areas to the west from the flood plain for substantially less cost than it would otherwise would.


Molson Coors G150 Project

The flood channel improvement opportunity exists because of the Molson Coors G150 Project which will modernize the Brewery's 1960s/1970s-era brewing technologies and will enable Coors to brew their products using 15% less energy and will save over 100 million gallons of water a year. These improvements will enable the brewery to have a smaller impact on the environment in Colorado.

April Update: The excavation in front of the Brewery is close to completion and working to backfill the area where the new cellar will sit is well underway. As a result of knocking down buildings and excavating the G150 Project has recycled 6.7 million lbs. of metal and crushed 95 million pounds of concrete. Overall, over 98% of the material from the buildings has either been recycled or reused.

March Update: The lakes in front of the brewery have been drained and they are now in the process of excavating the remainder of the area that will house the new beer production building. This excavation will continue for the next couple of months, and once that is complete, they will start the process of filling in the area and make final preparations for laying the foundations of the new beer production building.

Why is the sidewalk closed on Ford street?

Sidewalk traffic will be rerouted along the east side of Ford Street through the continuation of the project to keep our community safe and out of the construction zone of the flood control channel.

What is being done with the material that is being removed from the site?

The project will reuse and recycle as much of the material as possible. The concrete will be ground down and be used as fill material under the G150 cellar. Molson Coors has also recycled over 5,000,000 lbs. of metal thus far on the project.

Consultation has concluded

Let us know if you have a question about the Coors G150 Project or its impacts on the community.

  • Share The February 15, 2023 issue of Golden Weekly Digest states "The work benefits all property in the area along Ford Street that was previously situated in the Kinney Run 100 year flood plain" Does this mean that properties on the west side of Ford between 20th and 21st are no longer in the flood plain? on Facebook Share The February 15, 2023 issue of Golden Weekly Digest states "The work benefits all property in the area along Ford Street that was previously situated in the Kinney Run 100 year flood plain" Does this mean that properties on the west side of Ford between 20th and 21st are no longer in the flood plain? on Twitter Share The February 15, 2023 issue of Golden Weekly Digest states "The work benefits all property in the area along Ford Street that was previously situated in the Kinney Run 100 year flood plain" Does this mean that properties on the west side of Ford between 20th and 21st are no longer in the flood plain? on Linkedin Email The February 15, 2023 issue of Golden Weekly Digest states "The work benefits all property in the area along Ford Street that was previously situated in the Kinney Run 100 year flood plain" Does this mean that properties on the west side of Ford between 20th and 21st are no longer in the flood plain? link

    The February 15, 2023 issue of Golden Weekly Digest states "The work benefits all property in the area along Ford Street that was previously situated in the Kinney Run 100 year flood plain" Does this mean that properties on the west side of Ford between 20th and 21st are no longer in the flood plain?

    ajaxfishdog asked about 2 years ago

    Hello and thank you for your inquiry regarding the flood plain. The work done on the Kinney Run channel along Ford Street downtown only benefits that area between the creek and 14th Street, and does not impact areas up stream to the south. However, there was channel work completed at the golf course several years ago that did shrink the flood plain for areas downstream along the Ford and Jackson corridors, just north of the GHS roundabout. The west side of Ford Street between 20th and 21st streets is still partially in the flood plain, but our maps indicate that the eastern half of those lots (where the houses are built) are largely out of the flood plain. You would need to have a ground level survey of the flood plain on those lots to know more specifics, but hopefully that is some potential good news for you.

  • Share Hello! Any updates on the pedestrian bridge connecting the multiuse path to Ford St? on Facebook Share Hello! Any updates on the pedestrian bridge connecting the multiuse path to Ford St? on Twitter Share Hello! Any updates on the pedestrian bridge connecting the multiuse path to Ford St? on Linkedin Email Hello! Any updates on the pedestrian bridge connecting the multiuse path to Ford St? link

    Hello! Any updates on the pedestrian bridge connecting the multiuse path to Ford St?

    astangelo asked about 2 years ago

    Hello, and thank you for your inquiry. The new pedestrian bridge across Kinney Run, which will link Ford Street to Vanover Park, is currently scheduled for delivery and installation in January 2023.

  • Share So, with the G150 project once completed will that take my house out of the flood plain? It is located at 615 14th St., Golden, CO. 80401 on Facebook Share So, with the G150 project once completed will that take my house out of the flood plain? It is located at 615 14th St., Golden, CO. 80401 on Twitter Share So, with the G150 project once completed will that take my house out of the flood plain? It is located at 615 14th St., Golden, CO. 80401 on Linkedin Email So, with the G150 project once completed will that take my house out of the flood plain? It is located at 615 14th St., Golden, CO. 80401 link

    So, with the G150 project once completed will that take my house out of the flood plain? It is located at 615 14th St., Golden, CO. 80401

    David asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question. In advance of the Miller Coors G150  project, a significant amount of channel work was completed along Kinney Run from about 13th Street north to Clear Creek. This project had the affect of removing the flood plain on the east side of Ford Street, but not the west side of Ford. However, the City partnered with Miller Coors to increase the capacity of this channel so that a future project further upstream would remove the properties on the west side of Ford Street. The City is pursuing funding to improve the channel from 13th Street south to about 15th Street in order to make this happen, but this is still likely a few years away.

  • Share is construction complete on the Kinney Run Improvements (G150 Project)? Can the citizens explore the Kinney Run Improvements (walk the project)? on Facebook Share is construction complete on the Kinney Run Improvements (G150 Project)? Can the citizens explore the Kinney Run Improvements (walk the project)? on Twitter Share is construction complete on the Kinney Run Improvements (G150 Project)? Can the citizens explore the Kinney Run Improvements (walk the project)? on Linkedin Email is construction complete on the Kinney Run Improvements (G150 Project)? Can the citizens explore the Kinney Run Improvements (walk the project)? link

    is construction complete on the Kinney Run Improvements (G150 Project)? Can the citizens explore the Kinney Run Improvements (walk the project)?

    nodttiurp asked over 2 years ago

    Hello, and thank you for your question and the opportunity to clarify the accessibility to the public. The Kinney Run channel project is wrapping up, with railings now in place, sidewalks open, and landscaping nearly complete. While the public is now welcome to walk along the trail and sidewalk, please do not enter the channel itself. This is Miller Coors property and the channel is only open to maintenance personnel.

  • Share Is the new configuration expected to result in fewer closures to the trail underneath ford? The trail seemed to be closed often due to flooding and would be nice to have it open more and have one less intersection to cross on Facebook Share Is the new configuration expected to result in fewer closures to the trail underneath ford? The trail seemed to be closed often due to flooding and would be nice to have it open more and have one less intersection to cross on Twitter Share Is the new configuration expected to result in fewer closures to the trail underneath ford? The trail seemed to be closed often due to flooding and would be nice to have it open more and have one less intersection to cross on Linkedin Email Is the new configuration expected to result in fewer closures to the trail underneath ford? The trail seemed to be closed often due to flooding and would be nice to have it open more and have one less intersection to cross link

    Is the new configuration expected to result in fewer closures to the trail underneath ford? The trail seemed to be closed often due to flooding and would be nice to have it open more and have one less intersection to cross

    aphilipson asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question, and the answer is yes, we are hopeful that there will be fewer closures beneath the Ford Street bridge. Miller Coors voluntarily agreed to study the water rise associated with the creek in this location, and was able to raise the path several inches. While we are not sure how many more days the underpass will be open in a given year, it could result in a fairly significant improvement if the engineers are correct in their analysis.

  • Share When will the new pedestrian/bike bridge connecting to Vanover be installed? on Facebook Share When will the new pedestrian/bike bridge connecting to Vanover be installed? on Twitter Share When will the new pedestrian/bike bridge connecting to Vanover be installed? on Linkedin Email When will the new pedestrian/bike bridge connecting to Vanover be installed? link

    When will the new pedestrian/bike bridge connecting to Vanover be installed?

    kmonaweck asked almost 3 years ago

    Hello and thank you for your question. The good news is that the bridge is fully funded and is now on order. Due to ongoing supply chain issues, however, it is looking like we are roughly six months out from the bridge being delivered. City staff is hopeful that we will be able to install the new pedestrian/bike bridge this fall.

  • Share Do we know when/if the trees depicted in the landscape plan will be planted? Thanks! on Facebook Share Do we know when/if the trees depicted in the landscape plan will be planted? Thanks! on Twitter Share Do we know when/if the trees depicted in the landscape plan will be planted? Thanks! on Linkedin Email Do we know when/if the trees depicted in the landscape plan will be planted? Thanks! link

    Do we know when/if the trees depicted in the landscape plan will be planted? Thanks!

    calvin asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. The trees and other landscaping shown in the Kinney Run plans along Ford Street will be planted later this spring. Miller Coors is running irrigation lines from a city water tap to better ensure the survival of the landscaping over the long term.

  • Share I was curious when the sidewalks would be open again with regards to the Kinney Run improvements? I know it keeps getting pushed out, just looking for the latest update. on Facebook Share I was curious when the sidewalks would be open again with regards to the Kinney Run improvements? I know it keeps getting pushed out, just looking for the latest update. on Twitter Share I was curious when the sidewalks would be open again with regards to the Kinney Run improvements? I know it keeps getting pushed out, just looking for the latest update. on Linkedin Email I was curious when the sidewalks would be open again with regards to the Kinney Run improvements? I know it keeps getting pushed out, just looking for the latest update. link

    I was curious when the sidewalks would be open again with regards to the Kinney Run improvements? I know it keeps getting pushed out, just looking for the latest update.

    timbmartin asked about 3 years ago

    Miller Coors has been waiting on the sidewalk railing that divides the channel from the sidewalk along Ford Street, and supply chain issues have been causing delays with the railing order. As a result, Miller Coors has stated that the contractors will move the barriers to where the railing would be and open the sidewalk by the end of February. When the railing arrives later in the Spring, they will likely need to close the sidewalk again, temporarily, for that installation.

  • Share The planned opening for 32nd Avenue was November 17th. Any updates to offer, or did you mean 2022? on Facebook Share The planned opening for 32nd Avenue was November 17th. Any updates to offer, or did you mean 2022? on Twitter Share The planned opening for 32nd Avenue was November 17th. Any updates to offer, or did you mean 2022? on Linkedin Email The planned opening for 32nd Avenue was November 17th. Any updates to offer, or did you mean 2022? link

    The planned opening for 32nd Avenue was November 17th. Any updates to offer, or did you mean 2022?

    nodttiurp asked over 3 years ago

    Miller Coors is working to reopen the 13th Street connection from Golden to 32nd Avenue, which has faced some delays since the November 17th target date was set. The new timeframe they have provided would reopen 13th Street the week of December 6th, weather permitting.

  • Share Is there a ballpark completion date for the G150 project? on Facebook Share Is there a ballpark completion date for the G150 project? on Twitter Share Is there a ballpark completion date for the G150 project? on Linkedin Email Is there a ballpark completion date for the G150 project? link

    Is there a ballpark completion date for the G150 project?

    mgillis8 asked over 3 years ago

    The Miller Coors G150 project was announced in 2019 as a four-year project, with the first phase being the Kinney Run improvements to address the flood plain on the Coors property. Now that the Kinney Run channel is nearing completion, Miller Coors will likely start gearing up for construction of the large new building for the brewing operation. This building will be constructed in unincorporated Jefferson County, so you can get any updated information from Jefferson County Planning for that project.