Historic Preservation Projects
The history of the City of Golden is the backdrop to the vibrant and unique community that thrives today. The story of Golden is displayed prominently in its build environment: from the table top mountains, to charming Washington Avenue, and quaint historic neighborhoods. The preservation of Golden’s historic resources helps the community and visitors connect with the City’s history. The City has three locally designated historic districts, the 8th and 9th Street District, the 12th Street District, and the East Street District and many individually designated structures.
Historic Preservation Board Responsibilities
- Evaluate and determine the merits of sites for historic preservation designation.
- Conduct Certificate of Appropriateness Review for work on designated sites or districts.
- Preparing, or causing to be prepared, a comprehensive inventory of the essential structures, priority structures, and preservation areas within designated historic sites or districts.
- Increase public awareness of the value of historic, architectural and cultural preservation.
- Evaluate and comment on decisions by other public agencies affecting the physical development and land use patterns in or affecting designated historic sites.
- Make recommendation to the City Council regarding:
- The utilization of grants from Federal and State agencies, private groups, and individuals to promote the preservation of historic or architecturally significant structures in Golden.
- The acquisition of façade easements and the imposition of other restrictions for purposes of historic preservation.
- Property contracts for the purpose of historic preservation where private preservation is not feasible.
- Any other function which may be designated by resolution of the City Council.
The Historic Preservation Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month to hold any scheduled public hearings or hold any study session. These meetings take place in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 911 10th Street in Golden at 6:30 p.m.
To view agendas of upcoming meetings or view minutes or stream audio of meetings, visit our Agenda, Minutes, Web Casts, Schedule page.
The history of the City of Golden is the backdrop to the vibrant and unique community that thrives today. The story of Golden is displayed prominently in its build environment: from the table top mountains, to charming Washington Avenue, and quaint historic neighborhoods. The preservation of Golden’s historic resources helps the community and visitors connect with the City’s history. The City has three locally designated historic districts, the 8th and 9th Street District, the 12th Street District, and the East Street District and many individually designated structures.
Historic Preservation Board Responsibilities
- Evaluate and determine the merits of sites for historic preservation designation.
- Conduct Certificate of Appropriateness Review for work on designated sites or districts.
- Preparing, or causing to be prepared, a comprehensive inventory of the essential structures, priority structures, and preservation areas within designated historic sites or districts.
- Increase public awareness of the value of historic, architectural and cultural preservation.
- Evaluate and comment on decisions by other public agencies affecting the physical development and land use patterns in or affecting designated historic sites.
- Make recommendation to the City Council regarding:
- The utilization of grants from Federal and State agencies, private groups, and individuals to promote the preservation of historic or architecturally significant structures in Golden.
- The acquisition of façade easements and the imposition of other restrictions for purposes of historic preservation.
- Property contracts for the purpose of historic preservation where private preservation is not feasible.
- Any other function which may be designated by resolution of the City Council.
The Historic Preservation Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month to hold any scheduled public hearings or hold any study session. These meetings take place in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 911 10th Street in Golden at 6:30 p.m.
To view agendas of upcoming meetings or view minutes or stream audio of meetings, visit our Agenda, Minutes, Web Casts, Schedule page.
HPB 25-04: 1615 Ford Street
Share HPB 25-04: 1615 Ford Street on Facebook Share HPB 25-04: 1615 Ford Street on Twitter Share HPB 25-04: 1615 Ford Street on Linkedin Email HPB 25-04: 1615 Ford Street linkThe Historic Preservation Board of the City of Golden will hold a Public Hearing at a meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6:30 P.M. at Golden City Hall, 911 10th Street, Golden, Colorado to review a certificate of appropriateness for a rear addition to 1815 East Street in the East Street Historic District. The next step is to apply for a Form Zone Site Plan to review zoning.
Comments may be submitted at the meeting or via the following:
- By mail to: City of Golden Planning Department 1445 10th Street, Golden, CO 80401
- By email: HPB@cityofgolden.net
- All interested persons are invited to comment by written communication to the Planning Department, City of Golden, 1445 10th Street, Golden, Colorado 80401 prior to 1:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
Public review of the application is available at the Planning Department, 1445 10th Street, during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Further information may also be obtained by calling 303-384-8097.
HPB 25-02/25-03 703 & 707 7th Street Demolition
Share HPB 25-02/25-03 703 & 707 7th Street Demolition on Facebook Share HPB 25-02/25-03 703 & 707 7th Street Demolition on Twitter Share HPB 25-02/25-03 703 & 707 7th Street Demolition on Linkedin Email HPB 25-02/25-03 703 & 707 7th Street Demolition linkThe Historic Preservation Board of the City of Golden will hold a Public Hearing at a meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. in City Hall Council Chambers 911 10th Street, Golden, Colorado to review a certificate of appropriateness for the proposed demolition of two structures.
CASE NOs: HPB 25-02 & 25-03
APPLICANT: AC Development
LOCATION:703 & 707 7th Street
Comments may be submitted at the meeting or via mail- Attn: City of Golden Planning Department 1445 10th Street Golden, CO 80401 or by email to planning@cityofgolden.net. Written communication must be received prior to 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Further information may also be obtained by calling 303-384-8097.
HPB 25-01 1815 East Street
Share HPB 25-01 1815 East Street on Facebook Share HPB 25-01 1815 East Street on Twitter Share HPB 25-01 1815 East Street on Linkedin Email HPB 25-01 1815 East Street linkThe Historic Preservation Board of the City of Golden will hold a Public Hearing at a meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6:30 P.M. at Golden City Hall, 911 10th Street, Golden, Colorado to review a certificate of appropriateness for a rear addition to 1815 East Street in the East Street Historic District. The next step is to apply for a Form Zone Site Plan to review zoning.
Comments may be submitted at the meeting or via the following:
- By mail to: City of Golden Planning Department 1445 10th Street, Golden, CO 80401
- By email: HPB@cityofgolden.net
- All interested persons are invited to comment by written communication to the Planning Department, City of Golden, 1445 10th Street, Golden, Colorado 80401 prior to 1:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
Public review of the application is available at the Planning Department, 1445 10th Street, during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Further information may also be obtained by calling 303-384-8097.
HPB 24-09 916 & 918 9th Street: Demolition
Share HPB 24-09 916 & 918 9th Street: Demolition on Facebook Share HPB 24-09 916 & 918 9th Street: Demolition on Twitter Share HPB 24-09 916 & 918 9th Street: Demolition on Linkedin Email HPB 24-09 916 & 918 9th Street: Demolition linkThe Historic Preservation Board of the City of Golden will hold a Public Hearing at a meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. in City Hall Council Chambers 911 10th Street, Golden, Colorado to review a certificate of appropriateness for the proposed demolition of a duplex structure located at 916/918 9th Street.
CASE NOs: HPB 24-09
APPLICANT: Henry Tiberi
LOCATION: 916/918 9th St
Comments may be submitted at the meeting or via mail- Attn: City of Golden Planning Department 1445 10th Street Golden, CO 80401 or by email to planning@cityofgolden.net. Written communication must be received prior to 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Further information may also be obtained by calling 303-384-8097.
HPB22-11 - Demolition - CoorsTek/Clayworks 600 9th Street - Under Construction
Share HPB22-11 - Demolition - CoorsTek/Clayworks 600 9th Street - Under Construction on Facebook Share HPB22-11 - Demolition - CoorsTek/Clayworks 600 9th Street - Under Construction on Twitter Share HPB22-11 - Demolition - CoorsTek/Clayworks 600 9th Street - Under Construction on Linkedin Email HPB22-11 - Demolition - CoorsTek/Clayworks 600 9th Street - Under Construction linkThe Historic Preservation Board moved to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness at the meeting on November 7, 2022 with the following conditions:
1. Noting that many of the buildings are enclosed and enveloped within portions of site that will be demolished, staff recommend HPB request a status report that contains documentation of the demolitions of buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4 after the requested partial demolition is completed.
2. It is recommended that the façade on Ford Street be rehabilitated to the extent feasible, especially the exposed red brick; multi-light wood windows; arched brick window hoods; and denticulated brick cornice.
3. Additionally, it is recommended that materials extracted from these demolitions be used adaptively on new construction projects on the site, if is environmentally safe to do so.
4. Adaptive reuse should incorporate the rehabilitation of the following character-defining features: exposed red brick, multi-light wood windows, arched brick window hoods, denticulated brick cornice, concrete exteriors, multi-light industrial steel windows, recessed window bays, and exposed concrete structural elements.
5. New additions or alterations should be complementary and compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing of retained historic buildings constructed during the period of significance. They should also be clearly differentiated and expressive of a contemporary architectural language in order to protect the integrity of the historic fabric and ensure clarity in the definition of old and new.
6. The Applicant use U.S. Department of the Interior for the Treatment of Historic Properties- Secretary of the Interior Standard for Rehabilitation when rehabilitating any portions of Buildings 1, 2, 3, and 4.
CoorsTek has submitted an application for partial demolition and full demolition of many buildings on their campus in preparation for redevelopment. In conformance with their recently approved zoning a site context report, architectural inventory forms and an application has been received for review by the Historic Preservation Board on November 7, 2022. Please note the meeting will be held a 1445 10th Street and not live streamed due to elections.
HPB21-05 - Certificate of Appropriateness - Astor House 822 12th St - Under Construction
Share HPB21-05 - Certificate of Appropriateness - Astor House 822 12th St - Under Construction on Facebook Share HPB21-05 - Certificate of Appropriateness - Astor House 822 12th St - Under Construction on Twitter Share HPB21-05 - Certificate of Appropriateness - Astor House 822 12th St - Under Construction on Linkedin Email HPB21-05 - Certificate of Appropriateness - Astor House 822 12th St - Under Construction linkOn June 7, 2021, the Historic Preservation Board held a hearing to review the revised addition to the Astor House, submitted by the Foothills Art Center. The Board determined that after addressing comments related to the materials, massing and size of the addition, the now brick and glass addition meets the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, Standards for Additions and Alterations and the City’s Historic Guidelines. The site development plan for the Foothills Art Center’s use of the Astor House will be reviewed the City’s Planning Commission later this summer.
The Historic Preservation Board of the City of Golden will hold a Public Hearing at a meeting on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers, located at 911 10th Street Golden, CO 80401.
The meeting will be streamed live on the City Website Meetings and Agendas page.
On May 3, 2021, the Historic Preservation Board reviewed the Certificate of Appropriateness for the rehabilitation of the Astor House and the new addition proposed by Foothills Art Center. The Board’s discussion resulted in a continuation of the item to June 7, 2021 with some ideas for the Foothills to reconsider with a revised addition. The Board’s input on the proposal:
- Consider a different façade material for the addition, a material that is present in the 12th Street Historic District.
- Consider more defined faux or removable windows for the addition to provide flexibility for the space in the future and lessen the appearance of the massing, while still allowing the space to be used as a gallery.
- Consider other architectural techniques to minimize the appearance of the massing of the addition.
- Consider revising the floor plan of the addition to lessen the protrusion of the addition into the yard area.
1212 Cheyenne St Plans (16.4 MB) (pdf)
21.05.25 Astor House (7.77 MB) (pdf)
1102 10th St (2.37 MB) (jpeg)
2. HPB 21-05 Reso - signed.pdf (212 KB) (pdf)
1106 Washington Ave (1.43 MB) (pdf)
911 9th Street Elevations & Site Plan (1.55 MB) (pdf)
1106 12th Vicinity Map.pdf (884 KB) (pdf)
1106 12th St Site Development Plan.pdf (2.34 MB) (pdf)
909 9th Street Elevations.pdf (914 KB) (pdf)
909 9th Street Plan.pdf (383 KB) (pdf)
Site Context-Evaluation of Significance-Coors Porcelain Company Complex (10.8 MB) (pdf)
CoorsTek COA Application Materials (9.86 MB) (pdf)
915 - new residence (2.18 MB) (pdf)
1415 Ford St HPB App (3.43 MB) (pdf)
5. HPB22-11 Demo COA Staff Report-Final.pdf (696 KB) (pdf)
3. HPB 22-08 1415 Ford St - Staff Packet.pdf (4.11 MB) (pdf)
4. HPB 22-10 915 9th St Staff Packet.pdf (2.29 MB) (pdf)
Application 500 9th St (7.2 MB) (pdf)
1. HPB22-09 Staff Report.pdf (299 KB) (pdf)
HPB 22-12 1014 12th St - Packet.pdf (8.9 MB) (pdf)
2022-11-11_Elevations-HPB-Submittal_1014-12th.pdf (1.69 MB) (pdf)
2022-11-11_Plans-Elevations-Materials-Colors_HPBSubmittal_1014-12th.pdf (2.63 MB) (pdf)
915 9th St Exhibit 4- Revised Plan Submittal.pdf (1.31 MB) (pdf)
2. HPB 22-10 915 9th St Staff Report.pdf (180 KB) (pdf)
HPB 22-10 915 9th St Packet.pdf (5.23 MB) (pdf)
Exhibit 4 - Revised Plan Submittal.pdf (1.31 MB) (pdf)
CofA application for Demo 9th-Cheyenne Tiberi.pdf (1.13 MB) (pdf)
HPB 23-01 Packet (3.87 MB) (pdf)
HPB 23-02 Packet (3.95 MB) (pdf)
HPB23-04 Case Packet.pdf (8.01 MB) (pdf)
HPB 23-05 Case Packet.pdf (81.3 MB) (pdf)
Historic Photos.pdf (1.69 MB) (pdf)
3-HPB24-03 Packet.pdf (27.1 MB) (pdf)
Withdrawal from District-Letter from Henry Tiberi (85.8 KB) (pdf)
822 12th Street-Rendering (300 KB) (pdf)
Petition Letter- COA Demolition_817 14th Street.pdf (82.2 KB) (pdf)
817 14th Survey (1.57 MB) (pdf)
Historic District Tour Guide.pdf (4.81 MB) (pdf)
Ord_No._2236_805_13th_St_Landmark_Property_Designation.pdf (6.32 MB) (pdf)
Ord_No._2237_807_13th_St_Historic_Landmark_Designation.pdf (5.78 MB) (pdf)
Ord_No._2241_8th__9th_St_Historic_District_Boundary.pdf (4.08 MB) (pdf)
407 21st Street Application & Context Information.pdf (3 MB) (pdf)
407 21st Street Elevations and Site Plan 073024.pdf (5.62 MB) (pdf)
515 17th Street HPB Materials.pdf (3.18 MB) (pdf)
HPB 25-01 Packet.pdf (574 KB) (pdf)
HPB 25-04 Packet.pdf (3.85 MB) (pdf)
HPB 25-03 Packet.pdf (2.98 MB) (pdf)
HPB 25-02 Packet.pdf (3.36 MB) (pdf)
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