Decision Factors

Why This Option?

After a thorough evaluation of options, relocating Police and City services to a new building on the old Coors property provides the best opportunity to accomplish the goals of the Heart of Golden initiative.

Decision Matrix

Decision matrix demonstrating a police and city building as best option

Comparing Four Options

The City of Golden considered four different options:

  • Remodel existing buildings and lease additional space (Cost: $30,000,000)
  • Complete renovation of the Coors building (Cost: $45,000,000)
  • Renovate City building and build a Police building (Cost: $50,000,000)
  • Build a Police and City building (Cost: $65,000,000)

When evaluated, only the final option of "Build a Police and City building" met all of the decision factors considered. Those factors are:

  • Strategic investment: accomplish without raising taxes
  • Improves customer service, efficiency, and sustainability
  • Better security
  • Transforms corridor
  • Strategic investment: build/renovate now vs later
  • Strategic investment: build vs renovate
  • Addresses current and long-term needs
  • Meets sustainability goals
  • Revitalize Coors property
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