8th Street Redesign
The initial phase, determination of general approach, of this project is complete. Funding for the final design of the project is being sought. Once available, the public will be invited to provide additional input to guide the final design of the project.
In November of 2019, City of Golden staff held a public meeting to discuss a potential project to redesign the streetscape of 8th Street. During the meeting, citizens were asked to provide feedback with a focus on desired outcomes as opposed to specific design elements.
The top 6 desired outcomes of a redesigned 8th Street were as follows:
- Improved pedestrian facilities along 8th Street
- Reduced vehicular speeds
- Increased sight distance at intersections
- Improved pedestrian connectivity across 8th Street
- Retain on-street parking
- Improved bicycle facilities
This information was used to develop option designs. The first three outcomes listed above are accommodated, to some degree, in all of the alternatives presented here. Wider sidewalks separated from the street section will provide pedestrian connectivity along the length of 8th Street. Bulb-outs at intersections will improve sight distance at intersections and narrow the vehicle travel lanes to reduce speeds. Additionally, the bulb-outs will provide a decreased crossing distance for pedestrians. Vehicle travel lanes will be narrowed (generally to 11’) to further reduce vehicle speeds.
Please note that these exhibits are preliminary in nature. They are not intended to depict final design, but only to aid in assessing the support within the community for different streetscape elements. Additional infrastructure may be added during the design phase, or in the future (if appropriate warrants are met), to further address issues such as pedestrian connectivity, sight distance, vehicle speed, etc.
We want to hear from you. Please review each of the design options below. If you would like to see the map in more detail, click on the link to open a pdf version of the map that will allow you zoom in.
After reviewing each design, please let us know which of the versions below you prefer by taking the poll. Please use the question and answer section if you have any questions on any of the listed options, or on the project in general.
Option 1
- Retains approximately 43 on-street parking spaces (not including townhome spaces)
- Does not provide bike lanes
- Provides 90⁰ parking for the townhomes on the south side of 8th just east of the GCC
- Requires easement from owners of the townhomes on the south side of 8th just east of the GCC
Option 2
- Provides bike lanes
- Provides 90⁰ parking for the townhomes on the south side of 8th just east of the GCC
- Requires easement from owners of the townhomes on the south side of 8th just east of the GCC
- Provides no on-street parking (aside from the 90⁰ parking for the townhomes on the south side of 8th just east of the GCC
Options 3
- Retains approximately 32 on-street parking spaces
- Provides 24 back in angled parking spaces at townhomes on the south side of 8th just east of the GCC
- Does not require easements from owners of townhomes on the south side of 8th just east of the GCC
The initial phase, determination of general approach, of this project is complete. Funding for the final design of the project is being sought. Once available, the public will be invited to provide additional input to guide the final design of the project.
Do you have a question about the 8th Street Design project? Let us know and we'll do our best to get an answer to you quickly.