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Have a question about the DeLong Park construction? Ask here and we'll do our best to get an answer back to you quickly. Where on the concept drawings is the "off street parking" going to be? Any concerns of high school students parking at the park
Questions & Comments
. (although 8th street is excellent also except for parking). Water and a shelter would be a great addition. How long would it be closed in the transition? Thanks! The feedback on the dog park is much appreciated. At this time design plans are only at 30
2021 Concept 2: Central Open Space and Eastern Density
better flow of vehicular traffic, I like the connection of water street and the festival walk in this plan but would rather see that in plan 1. I think the Concept 1 is a better overall plan for condensing City, Police, Fire and Cultural activities
Autonomous Electric Transit Vehicles Pilot
via 19th Street. A second route, dubbed the Energy Route, links the Mines campus to West Downtown, traveling along Maple, 11th, Arapahoe, and 13th Streets before turning up Illinois Street to return to the center of campus. The Environment Route is the
CoorsTek Rezoning
Golden City Council approved the Coorstek case at a Public Hearing at a meeting on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers, 911 10th Street; an application for a rezoning of 12.4 acres from C-1 (Limited Commercial), C-2
2019-2020 Biennial Budget Process
suggestions on how the City can save money or improve services in the 2019-2020 budget process. A good portion of the budget is always used to maintain our existing infrastructure, including water systems, street repair, snow plowing and parks. We want
helpful for visitors downtown, but I'd also really appreciate it at the intersection of Jackson and 19th, where it can be difficult for pedestrians to determine whether it is safe to cross when they walk up., The speed limit on North Ford Street is 25
Q & A
Report available on the South Table Mountain Park Page of the Jefferson County Open Space Website. Quaker street is already busy enough. Wouldn’t putting a parking lot at the other access trail behind Fox Apartments be better? It is closer to South
City of Golden Zoning Code Update
, illustrating how a form zone might play out in a real scenario is often the best way to assess how development or redevelopment might come to life in Golden. Staff has chosen three form types in three form zones to test these outcomes:Main Street B
Golden Building Blocks
How would you spend a $100 gift card at the Golden Business of your choice?Enter to win the Golden Building Blocks raffle* just by uploading at least one photo of a Golden building or street, with a brief description of why it exemplifies Golden’s