Follow-up Downtown Parking Public Survey

Thank you for choosing to participate in this brief follow-up survey about parking in Downtown Golden. Downtown Golden is defined as 10th street to 14th Street from north to south, and then East Street to Cheyenne Street from east to west. After city staff reviewed the initial public parking survey, we realized there was a great opportunity for targeted follow-up questions. This second survey is shorter and more refined; however, you do NOT need to have taken the first survey to take this one. Your responses will help inform potential changes to how parking is managed in Downtown Golden to best support the downtown business community while balancing the parking needs of residents and patrons.

We ask that you only take this survey one time to allow survey results to reflect a fair consideration of all survey takers. Your responses will be shared with Planning staff and consultants responsible for evaluating and recommending changes to how parking is managed. Anonymized responses may be made public at a later date.